I wrote the notes with my left hand, doodle lady and all C:

The PC modules used to have this robotic lady voice go ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO EXIT and ever since i cannot click exit without ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO EXIT screaming in my head

↓ Transcript
Ash is sat to attention... he starts to slip down in his chair... before fully slumping before the TV again.

Eventually, he turns to his PC and starts his next module, thinking to himself "Wow, these video tapes felt like they went on for hours. Computer tasks don't feel that much better..."

A screen asks "What makes Damnsons unlike our competitors?" with the options "Our excellent customer service" "our quality produce" "our links to the community" and "we treat our staff fairly" all able to be ticked. Ash pauses at his notes which reads all of the options listed from the video, as well as a doodle of the video lady.

He proceeds to tick all of the answers to see a window appear to confirm "correct" - to which he remarks "So there really wasn't any wrong answers..."

Ash completes his modules and submits them before realising "But either way I've run out of stuff to do!"