someBODY once told me-

I both miss chunky TVs and Monitors and yet also really don’t.
This was true btw. I did have training videos and chunky PC work when I started retail and it was in the 2010s so…

↓ Transcript
Ash dramatically stands in the doorway, with Kevin at a computer on the other end of the store looking at him as he bursts through the door.
Kevin breaks the awkward silence. "hmm? You weren't following me? I'm certain you were right behind me when I came in. Well then."

Kevin gets up from his office seat and manuvours the chair towards Ash who enters the room proper, passing several deska dna computers and a large chunky TV on a stand.
Kevin: welcome to the Training room. Please take a seat.

Ash takes a seat. Kevin stares blankly at the PC screen before them, his arm dartly around as Ash sits behind him nervously cooing "soooooo"

Ash: You walk really fast! I could barely keep up with you!

Kevin picks up a cassette case and removes a video tape.
Kevin: Work here log enough and everyone has a casual stride after a while!

Ash looks on incredulously, thinking "If that was casual then I don't wanna know what his sprint is like!"