No word of a lie this was my first customer experience ever in my very first job C’:

You can view the original version of this page on my extras section! As much as i adore the previous version, I’m much more happy having some sort of unified colour style through my entire comic. That and as i no longer use Sai I no longer have the brush i used to “paint” in the previous style.

Anywho! Artists tech stuff aside – this was not what Ash was looking for downstairs…

↓ Transcript
The long haired woman bursts onto the page, weilding her paper bag from the bread shelves aggressively.

Ash holds up his hand in defense and is thrown off guard.
He thinks to himself: "Oh no... I don't like the tone of her voice... I knew i shouldn't have put my tie on!
He mumbles out a "hi" to her however the woman barks back with a "HAVE YOU CHANGED THE TYPE OF BREAD BAGS?"

The page erupts into dark purples and striking yellows as Ash stammers out "I.. don't know? I'm new here? It's my first shift today..."

As Ash sweats, he thinks "Surely if I'm honest she'll understand and let me go-"