This is a man well who is well and truely on a mission. I’m both on the side of “Yes, as a manager you gotta get those over time hours covered somewhere and by someone” but also “man, he’s a pushy sod ain’t he, bruh”

↓ Transcript
Kevin strides off to the other side of the room while Cj talks to Darrell back at their counters.

CJ: I've been here just long enough Darrell, longer than you, so I've seen what it's like for those when he gets you to do extra.
Shame on the bugger who falls for it but... I still wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Darrell sighs before his attention is drawn to the other side of the store where Kevin went to.
Darrell: Well, we're ok but what about...

Kevin is before Ash, clasping his hands, grinning either desparately or pleasantly depending on intrepretation.
CJ And Darrell look on with both concern and intregue.