Ash really like to get to know people

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Ash grabs a couple of full bin bags, doing busibody work like moving boxes and tidy up. He chatters away to the back of the woman working at the self service stand.
"By the way I look at the notes that you leave me! It's really good to get a face to a name! Especially since you look like a "Flori!" Guessing it relates to flowers? We've both got the whole nature theme going on! Except I chose "Ash" not 'cause of the tree though! Or like, embers either heh heh. Though the tree link is also pretty cool..? sorry am I talking to much?"

Time passes to 7:46am. Ash is loading up the display counter. "It is early so maybe I am a little too lively?"
He turns back to Flori who is a few meters behind him.
"Flori...? Do i need to know anything specifically about the morning set up?"

Flori finally turns to meet his view. "For one, bear in mind it is now nearly opening time so you cannot dawdle. At least made sure the tickets are out for the customers even if you haven't got everything out yet."

Ash turns back to his boxes and speeds up. He thinks "Ah right! Be fast! Got it! No chit chat!"
He moves a birthday cake from a box that reads BDAY CAKE RED FLOWER