2020 art – this is the original version of the comic now, with plans to slowly update the dialogue for this chapter over 2024. I am aware the pages numbers no longer match. 👍😅


Thank you for your understanding C:

Old versions are being compiled on my Extras section as I go


sad fact about me but date checking and stock rotation was a source of pride for me probably because I knew so few people either bothered or had the time to do it

Skip forward 8 years since and now I have out of date soup in my cupboard lmao

(22/09/19 was when I wrote the final draft of the script)

↓ Transcript
[Ash has opens a box, pulls an expression of concern before turning to Damian.]

Ash: Damian, what's the date?
Damian: 22nd September, why?
Ash: This is out of date...

[Ash continues to point out and rummage through the boxes on the racking before him.]

Ash: And erm, this is out of date too... ummm

[Damian looks crestfallen and thinks to himself]
Damian: Because of course no on ever date checks anything ever.

Damian pulls a face screaming murder, scaring Ash a little.]
Damian: hey, mind stacking these cakes on that empty cage for me? We're gonna be a while writing this all off.