overwhelm catches up to Ash and this random dude he just met has no idea what to do

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Colour drains from Ash's face. "NO WAY! REALLY?"
The tall coworker is taken aback by the reaction. "Yeah? Yeah I have...?"

Ash starts to get really stressed about it. "There's just been so many new face, new names to remember! then there's all this new stuff to learn! NEW COUNTERS HYGIENE RULES DISPLAYS SAFETY RUDE CUSTOMERS BUSY DAYS TANNOYS"
The coworker looks sheepish as Ash wails in a panic. "I didn't know you were so ummm..."

Ash throws his head in his arms. "More stuff keeps coming and I c-can't keep up!"
The coworker holds out his hards to try and comfort Ash, however looks nervous as well. "Hey uh, relax? hey, it's alright. I get it."

Ash looks up from his hands.