Welcome to the episode where I force myself to practice drawing backgrounds even if to start it’s only the back of the store and some bins

Ah the dumpsters, the place where I belong <3

↓ Transcript
[A screen of a mobile phone shows some incoming messages from a group of people. Reading "Anyone for a fri night piss up?" "Hell yeah" "yeeeeee" "pub!" "pub?"]

[An icon states that it is Friday evening 8pm and Ash is seen on his phone by the waste bin around the back of the store in the dim light.]

[His phone continues: "Ash you in?" with which Ash replies "At work. Sorry." Subsequent messages flood in with increasing vibration alerts and furious screen tapping.]
["Sick?" is asked, which Ash replies with "Already here" with a sad text face. Already is spelt incorrectly, though messages press on with "That sucks." "We miss ya!"]

[ Ash looks on blankly as the topic changes to drinks from his text plea. In the flurry of excitable messages there are spelling mistakes and signs of close friendships between the anonymous texters.
Ash however stands completely alone and isolated in a dingy corner of the area surrounded by rubbish bags and overflowing bins.]

"Sam make sure you bring enough mixers." "I'll bring the good shit!" "Not the GIN UGH" "You can't hold your liqueur" "Gin isn't a liqueur" "isn't it?" "all goes down the same" "THAT'S NOT THE POINT"