Damian, Kevin wasn’t gonna be in charge there even before he asked you to stay on… your uh, logic has a bit of a flaw there. Fragile self esteem in action, bless him.


Not the most satisfying page to leave on but HNAR is now on a break! I ran out of pages ha ha ha

A following up message will go up next week with more details. C:

↓ Transcript
Ash muses on his encounter with an angry customer in chapter 2. "Do you not trust him to back you up? I think he would... he did help me with this impossible lady on my first shift I worked!"
CJ mutters "First shift? Tough break."

Damian thinks to himself. "But that's just part of the job."

CJ waves her spray bottle around. "You were new then so he'd look bad if he didn't help you, but now we're not new and there's no overtime... he's nowhere to be seen."
Ash pulls a face. "CJ, not everything is some sort of conspiricy or attack..."
Damian empties bins. "That's 'cause he doesn't need to ne here when I'm in charge of close down."
CJ sprays a cloth. "Yeah, 'cause someone else is doing the shift he doesn't wanna do, right? Look, my point is that me mum worked at the old Soulsbury's in town before it went bust, so she warned me when i started here not to take shit from anyone."
Damian's back to her as he grabs a trash bag, muttering "You've certainly made it known you don't take shit from anyone..."
CJ overhears him however, spooking him with a stern "I'll take that as a compliment."
Damian stammers with "It... was?"
CJ, spray bottle raised to Damian, finishes with a curt smile and a "Good."