At the time of drawing this I was watching Cobra Kai and the whole “push good into the world and you’ll get some back” message really hit me. “huh, maybe if you think bad thoughts about yourself, bad things will be more likely to happen to you, or you’ll only remember the bad things…”

Anywho, out of beans, ha ha yeah same

↓ Transcript
Damian is in dire need of coffee.
Changing into his apron and putting away his coat and satchel, he can't help but leave a trail of self negative thoughts behind him.
"I didn't even know they were going out! Course I didn't know..."

He is putting coins into an instant coffee vending machine, then proceeds to press buttons to place his order.
"Why would they tell me anything? I'm not a manager so there's no reason to invite me! I'm not important"

As he presses buttons, he tries to correct his headspace
"No... don't be like that..."

As if summoned by his negative energy, the coffee machine sparks up a blaring message reading ERROR: OUT OF BEANS that flashes across the panel.

Damian stands defeated and misery, emminating an aura of "YEAH, SAME" to the notion of being "out of beans."