And with that, that’s 2021 done! Thank you for sticking with me OR picking up my comic!! I’ve been really grateful for the support I’ve received this weird year whether it’s from comments, chatting to me or just simply reading either here or on Tapas! And also thanks to the Spiderforest community for graciously taking me in and helping out with those hefty edits i did earlier this year ;D

I should hopefully be back either mid or end of January depending on how life goes eg how much I get drawn lol. reminder Tapas will be updating AFTER my site.

I will also be around on twitter too if anything goes awry but until then, Guest Art Time! sob sob sob so beautiful

↓ Transcript
Mistake number 8: Don't carry too much rubbish with you.

Damian holds a clean apron from his locker as the bin juice'd one hangs on his locker door.