Alexis is referring to management, Damian thinks she’s digging at him.

↓ Transcript
Damian's face falls from confusion to stern enquiry.
Damian: Why would you think that?

Tina throws her hands up in joy whilst Alexis continues to open a packet of meat.
"The managers couldn’t stop talking about it all week!"
Alexis cuts open a packet of meat. "The promise of booze does tend to do that. I'm surprised that you didn't want to go."

Damian looks away. The question reverberates in his mind as he clutches his bag strap, screaming WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I WAS INVITED?. He then looks back to them, standing to full height and explains sternly.
"I’m not a manager. And I guess someone had to stay behind and work whilst they are out, so..."
Tina pauses, then opens a case of fish. She seems to play off the tension, saying "Well, that's very true We do get the work done in the end. I'm sure there is always next time when you have the day off."

Alexis laughs heartily although Tina looks in concern to Alexis as she handles fish from a box.
"Despite all that, some of the managers are in roday. And you know what they say! There's no rest for the wicked!"
Tina looks to Alexis. "Who? Damian or the-"

Footsteps approach.