Caught between a rock (managerial ideas to promote time efficiency) and a hard place (actual time needed to do everything)


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The memory of Kevin recounts his favour still as Damian pushes cages around the room.
"If there's too much in, maybe cut back; or if we need more stock for the promotion; then order more in. that sort of thing."

Damian shifts more crates to the side as he clears the racking.
Damian: Aren't we all adults here? Can't the others be trusted to do their jobs or something?
He grabs a dusty crate from the far back of the shelving. Upon inspection, the meat is out of date.
Kevin's words ring in his head: You shouldn't have to keep an eye on them, just that it wouldn't hurt to manage the issue of wastage where we can!

Damian's face contorts into a scowl at the out of date goods. "Of course they have to be managed!

Bingo card: Everyone misses something out of date: check.