A former coworker and I used to leave passive aggressive notes to each other around the counter and it was legitiamtely a lot of fun for us. People though we were flirting with each other but nope, it was just creative sass on a boring evening.

↓ Transcript
Alexis: I know wastage is a problem and i worry about it too. But to answer with "just order less" is not to simple an answer. We're just trying our best. You can tell Kevin that at least!

Damian grunts and picks the ordering diary back up.
His thoughts cloud with " It IS simple enough to NOT order in stuff that no one wants..."
As he flips the empty pages, he then comes across a couple of pages filled with notes and doodles. Examples include a list of reduced goods to sell or throw out, cursive handwriting of "I'll throw you out!" next to a heart, a doodle of a fish, another resembling a pig next to a request to sell sausages and the cursve writing of CJ saying "you're my pork sausage - don't call HR this is a joke" The tone is sassy but well received by the other's handwriting on the book.

Damian smiles briefly, before Alexis breaks the awkward silence.
"Well, my time today is up! See you next week Damian! Hope you have a good weekend!"
Damian smirks, though with tiredness still in his eyes. He puts the book down. "Yeah, have a good one..."