My script was a lot different to what it ended up being! Having the voices of some friends drop in some comments about the FACE OF DEATH being GREASY and be just be melodramatic all over my script was great. Then as I was drawing this the voice of Damian in my brain whispered a pun in my ear and well… magic happens.

↓ Transcript
Ash comedically and melodramatically poses in fake torment as he recounts "I have seen the face of death, Damian, and it's greasy. I'm forever changed after what i just had to clean up! ooooh I am to smell nothing but chicken fat forever and ever...!"
Damian smirks, a lightbulb of mischief lighting above his head. "Yeah now you see why no one wants to do it... it is PARTICULARLY FOWL IN THERE!" Damian uses the term fowl in relation to birds, as in chickens., grinning ear to ear as he says it.

Chuckling, Ash yells STOP! as Damian walks in front of his, back facing Ash. "Seriously though, the smell lingers even for me!"
All, still laughing, points to him. "That smell might be coming from you too!"
Damian smirks. "Wow. Rude. My pun wasn't that bad...."
Ash points to Damian's back. "N-No I mean, you've got a chicken fat stain on your back!"
Damian stands alert and tries to look over his shoulder. "Wait, what? I wore an overcoat each time I was-"

He spots a corner of his shoulder, splattered with a stain. His expression drops back to one of tiredness "What is the point of these overcoats if this happens anyway... I just want today to be... over..."