When CJ threw that cheese at Darrell, she knew she was in for a war. And she’s loving it.

Ash is not, bless him.

Disclaimer: DO NOT SPRAY CHEMICAL CLEANING SPRAYS AT EACH OTHER NO MATTER THE DILUTION. I do not advocate the use of cleaning sprays in this way.

↓ Transcript
Darrell grabs a bottle of cleaning spray in frustration. Aiming at CJ, Darrell pulls the trigger, blasting CJ with a burst of spray.
CJ grabs two bottles and forms an attack pose, fuming as she scowls.
CJ: REALLY? Cleaning spray?
Darrell: NEVER cross a man and his DONUT!

Darrell discards his bottle and defensively grabs a chopping board as CJ proclaims "Oh you are going DOWN!"
CJ: It's on!

CJ attempts to spray Darrell however he blocks the spray shot with the board! Yet despite all of the bluster, CJ is laughing as they goof around.
Someone in the background looks displeased with them, but the laughter drowns out the chaos.

Before anymore attacks can be made, Ash stands between them and announces STOP!