Britishism side note: A “pound” or “lb” is using the Imperial system, which was phased out officially during the mid 60s over here so a few generations use it liberally. As for my generation, we were taught in education the Metric system with grams, kilos etc. Same between “pints” and “litres” – you had a solid, identifiable divide between generations that caused me some real weight conversion headaches!

That and then using muscle memory to identify the “feel” of weight of what a pound or half a kilo feels like per each food product! But that isn’t something I can kinda… show in a comic!


↓ Transcript
Verity gives Ash a block of bleu cheese. "Just don't put the blue cheese on here. They go on the blue boards, ok?" Ash rceives the cheese , looking disgusted at the smell.
He looks to the first customers, absolutely looking terrified. "How much would you like cut?"
They reply "A pound will do, please."
Ash holds the cheese, confused. "How much is that in grams?"
Verity leans in to help. "454"
Ash pauses. "What does that even look like?"

Weighing a cut piece, it weighs 275 grams. The customer admits that it is too small.
The next piece weighs 354 grams. Ash looks nervous. "Maybe a bit more" the customer asks.
The next weighs 415 grams. Ash stutters "Not quite there b-but..."
the customer states "Aaaah don't worry, that'll do! And can I have sp,e pf that green hill country vintage cheddar?"

Ash grabs a cheese with a green label. Verity leans in with a "hang on Ash!"