I even remember fairly vividly the first shift I did on the deli counter. It was a Saturday afternoon and it was just insane for a lunch time! The older coworker took one look at me, sighed and pretty much had a “Oh shit here we go again” moment before throwing me into the deep end! In a nice way – she shadowed me at every single step but she was extremely efficient – she had to crash course a LOT of newbies before me after all.

I handled it differently than Ash but I definitely remember the crowd!

↓ Transcript
Verity passes him a spray bottle and cloth. She explains. "the green labelled cheeses, the unpasturised ones? Don't put them on blue boards, use them on wire boards. But you must clean down the board and wire afterwards."
Ash takes the cloth with a submissive "Oh, er, right. okay."

verity snaps him back out of his thoughts with "Oh and don't lose the labels either, ok? We'll need those to know what we're wrapping up later!"
Ash turns to see a big pile of opened cheeses on the side, all with wrap and labels on top of them.
He loosk solumnly at the mess. "There's no hiding from this..."

Ash throws himself into service blindly, confused at product types, the layout of the counter and overwhelmed by the blur of the crowd.
Verity is mid service when she announces "Oh shoot, we're out, but..."
She turns to Ash, who is in a tizzy cleaning a palette knife. "Ash, have you been up to the upstairs chillers before?"
"n-no?" Ash responds.
Verity clasps her hands in mock prayer. "I'm so so sorry but..."