Pride or teamwork, duty or choice, something something something

Writing this over lock down at the beginning of 2020 was wild cause I was furloughed at the time. At this point I didn’t have a choice to not go to work. Think it might be ironic?

Least everything was ok enough, considering.


Customer cameo is from Stars in Roses  (buying the bread that Van was trying to steal…? Cherry knows what I mean)


↓ Transcript
CJ leans on the side next to Ash, as he is checking the product tickets from the pot before him.]
CJ: It's alright not wanting to let them down. I get it. You carry on doing what he wants.
Ash: Er... but I just said I wanted to do overtime. I mean - we- we don't have a choice to work, do we? So I may as well do my best here, even if I miss a few parties.

[The aisles in the store are still empty. Apart from a vulture customer at the checkout paying at the checkout with the pixie cut young checkout lady, there's no one around again.]

[CJ throws her hand up dismissively]

CJ: seems like too much effort for a job where no one cares if you are here.
Ash: I think people do care but...