Break is always too short… wait, what are you talking about?!!??

↓ Transcript
Damian is back at the counters. He notices Ash mid laughter and intrudes. "That was one hell of a laugh!"
Ash turns to him. "With what CJ has been saying, you should be concerned!"
Damian meekly replies. "If you were talking about me then i don't have to know..."
Ash goes into a daydream about cleaning the ovens.
"No, we were talking about how awful the ovens are to clean and how it couldn't get any worse than what it is right now. And then CJ starts on about how At least it is chicken fat and not human fat!"
Damian gimaces. "Good lord."

CJ taps her head knowingly. "It would be worse though!"
Back to the daydream of someone roasting a mystery meat as Ash continues.
"So then we ended up on the topic of how could you get awat with cooking a dead body? You can't! Someone would notice!"

The daydream moves to discovering a fried human hand whilst cleaning the oven.
"There'd be like, three times the mess!"
Damian smirks cheekily, stating "I think a human body is more than three times the size of a chicken..."
Ash chuckels with a dry "Not the point."