fun and joy vs anxiety and doubt

Please stay safe, healthy and patient with yourself when it comes to socialising after everything we’ve gone through… UwU


↓ Transcript
Tina takes the fish from Damian.
Tina: I see! you will have to show us your moves one of these days!
Alexis, holding her own parcel of meat for the customers, nudges an embarressed Damian playfully.
Alexis: Maybe at the next Christmas party? Aay aaaaay ~
Damian's expression faulters as he realises he has been cornered. His thoughts cloud over again: "I'd rather not."

Tina and Alexis huddle together in giggles.
Alexis: 'Cause something still tells me it is us who wont keep up with him!
Tina: I think the quiet ones are the most fun at parties!
Damian looms, thinking "If you say so..."

The female customer holds hands with her hubby, tightly knitting their fragile hands of two united skin colours together, crowned by a pair of matching gold rings.
"You won't catch us joining you. We have had our days of dancing!"

Tina and Alexis hand over their parcels of wrapped goods, smiling and cheerful.
Tina: Then let's just stick to getting you both fed instead!