This is how easy it is to mentally feel obligated to stay in a job – “It could be worse. At least I am stable.”

This is not a judgment for or against this way of thinking as it is highly subjective to whether this can be fulfilling to you personally.

I just feel like these worries are something core to a lot of people’s lives and thus I want to explore them in, you know, a slife of life setting.

But I do have some considerably less depressing sections coming soon I promise snfmgndf,dm, aaaaa

↓ Transcript
Five past eight o clock.
Damian looks out to the quiet, empty aisles before him as he rest on the counter top surface.
Damian's thoughts: I don’t know. You can’t exactly make shelving look appetising. Or fun.

Nine o clock.
Damian is wiping down the surfaces.

Ten o clock.
Damian is spraying a cloth to wipe down.
Damian's thoughts: I guess for us it could be worse.

He’s standing around a bit, checkig his phone behind the counter. A new report announces BIG BRAND COMPANY CLOSES. 2000 OUT OF A JOB

Damian thinks to himself "You never know when anything is gonna fall apart anymore…"

Eleven o clock.
Damian stares at the shelves opposite him once more. Everything feels like it is closing in on him.
Damian's thoughts: I hope I can prove myself as something more than just… this.