BRUH you got managed.

I remember back when I played Kevin in a tabletop game I really liked charm magics and high charisma aka the “You don’t get to argue with me” angle…  wouldn’t like the outcome if you did

which is why he gets to be the manager in this story (I also liked drawing him, guilty as charged)


I like this version a lot more than original. 



↓ Transcript
The woman is angry, poiting to the bag and getting in too close to Kevin however he appears nonplussed through the entire tirade.
Ash thinks to himself: Even now I cannot keep up with what she's even moaning about... but he's not even fazed about it?

Kevin dominates the space, gesturing emotively with hands, his expression cheerful yet his eyes half closed with confidence, at times often opening his hands towards to greet her. Speech bubbles fly around him though Ash is not paying attention to anything going on.

"Kevin is just soaking it all in... how is he so calm?!"

Kevin clasps his hands and concludes his moment with the customer. To Ash, he radiates confidence.
"Anything else I can help you with today?"

The customer looks at the bag in her hand.